Toddlers (12 - 24 months)
Our educators help your toddler make connections between the language and motor skills necessary for completing tasks and responding to their environment. We guide children in a safe, supportive, and encouraging environment which allows toddlers to understand their emotions in a healthy and productive way
Early Preschool (2 years)
Throughout the day, our educators encourage your 2-year-old to explore their environment, investigate how things relate to one another, and hone their critical thinking skills. Our educators create opportunities for your 2-year-old to be immersed in language and literacy through literary-rich experiences.
Preschool (3 years)
We put your 3-year-old’s natural curiosity to work, teaching them about counting through hands-on STEM activities. Our educators give your child the opportunities, motivation, and encouragement to develop new skills. Our educators guide your 3-year-old through activities that foster a new sense of self-awareness while helping them develop and maintain positive relationships.
Pre Kindergarten (4 years)
Language development is strengthened through individual and small-group activities. We make learning fun with engaging lesson plans, age-appropriate books, and materials. STEM is integrated into the curriculum to spark your child’s natural curiosity. Children discover the fascinating world of science, technology, engineering, and math, allowing your child to imagine and build creations of their own.
Kindergarten (5 years)
As your child begins to decode words in print, we help them combine letters to make words, and eventually combine words to write sentences and stories. We provide opportunities to explore the local community, our government, geography, American history, and different cultures. STEM is integrated into the curriculum using hands-on activities to spark your child’s natural curiosity. Children discover the fascinating world of science, technology, engineering, and math, turning everyday tasks into opportunities to learn.
Summer Camp 2025 (3 - 12 years)
Our language immersion Summer Camp is catered for kiddos of all levels of fluency, beginner through native speakers. We look forward to seeing you every Summer!